Stuffie Sleepover Slideshows

Riley and Miss Judy recommend watching the slideshows on a laptop or desktop computer for the greatest effect! If you are using a tablet or smartphone, try clicking on the links above the first four, embedded Google Presentations (2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016). The final three (In reverse chronological order, that is! 2015, 2014, and 2013) are presented as Google Photos slideshows and have less formatting. They should be easier to watch on a small device. Good luck and email Miss Judy if you have any trouble!




Stuffie Sleepover Slideshow 2019


Stuffie Sleepover Slideshow 2018


Stuffie Sleepover Slideshow 2017


Stuffie Sleepover Slideshow 2016

(click on the pictures below)

Stuffie Slideshow 2015






Stuffie Slideshow 2014

Summer Reading Program 2014










Stuffie Slideshow 2013Dig Into Reading!

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